Greta Thunberg | Averting a Climate Apocalypse | Davos 2020 | Extinction Rebellion

'I've been told telling people about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do' Greta Thunberg speaks at Davos 2020.

“To act as if you love your children above all else” Such a basic and rational request, but our leaders, not just the US administration, but all our leaders are not walking their talk. The avoidable tragedy... If my leader, Trudeau, had half the courage of Greta... if only

HEMP!!! it can be made into plastics, clothing, BIO FUEL, on it can replace oil in a lot of ways, i never hear about the pros of replacing pertol with it and it probably because oil companys dont want that to happen but growing hemp is also very benificial for the environment.... GOVERNMENTS SHOULD BE FUNDING FARMERS TO GROW HEMP!


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